Become A Member & Experience The Benefits
Membership Types
Resort & Campground Member
The CMR was formed to help resorts & campgrounds keep the lights on. If you own or operate a Minnesota resort or campground, we’d love for you to join.
Associate Member
It takes a village. If you sell goods & services relevant to the resort & campground industry, we want to get to know you! We have 100+ members who are constantly leveling up their business.
Retired Resorter
Once a resorter, always a resorter. For those who sold their slice of paradise, but love the lifestyle and community, you can remain connected by joining the CMR as a retired resorter.
Aspiring Member
Do you dream of one day owning or managing your own resort or campground? We’ll show you what goes on behind the scenes and help you along the journey to get started.
Member Benefits & Resources
Education • Legislative • Marketing

CMR offers a variety of classes and tours to help members learn from each other and stay connected to fellow resort owners. We work to provide members with the most pertinent information needed for success.
Legislative Power
Over the years, CMR has made lasting impressions on legislators. Through our ongoing lobbying, CMR advocates for our members.

CMR pools resources to create larger marketing efforts across a variety of platforms to reach a greater volume of prospective travelers.
Each year, the Community of Minnesota Resorts offers scholarships to high school or current undergraduate or technical school students. The scholarship funds are also available to the children and grandchildren of CMR members. An eligible member has been a member for at least two consecutive years and is currently in good standing. Associate Members are not eligible for scholarships.
The Scholarship Committee, consisting of a number of your fellow resorters and guided by your CMR Scholarship Liaison, reviews the applications and chooses each year’s recipients. The CMR announces the recipients and includes their photos, information, and the answer to the essay question: “How has living and/or working at your family’s resort shaped your present character and your future plans?

Resorter of the Year
Each year, the Community of Minnesota Resorts (CMR) selects, through nomination by its members, one resort or campground as Resorter of the Year (ROY). The owner representative(s) of that resort or campground will have shown a dedication to the improvement of the Minnesota Resort Industry by adopting and conducting business policies and practices that reflect a personal pride in the industry as a whole. They also live up to the organization’s motto of “Resorters Helping Resorters” by involvement in community activities and by displaying a willingness to help other resort owners operate a Minnesota resort or campground successfully.