Nominations Open Sept 1 - Sept 30.
Through nomination by its resort/campground members, the Community of Minnesota Resorts selects one resort/campground member and owner(s) who have shown dedication by adopting and conducting business policies and practices that reflect personal pride in our industry. These awards are:
Resorter/Campground of the Year
This prestigious award recognizes dedication to improving the Minnesota Resort/Campground Industry.
Innovative Guest Experience
This award honors those who are a hub of an unforgettable guest experience. We're looking for someone who takes guest satisfaction to new heights.
Innovative Sustainability
This award honors those who have developed a sustainable amenity or an eco-friendly innovation. We're eager to recognize those reshaping the landscape with their products.
Innovative Operations
This award honors those who challenge traditional operational models and implement groundbreaking changes that lead to measurable improvements in overall business operations.

CMR 2024 Resorter of the Year Award
Troy & Nancy Loren
Little Boy Resort, Longville
Every resort couple that owns or buys a resort has their own unique story. However, when you boil it all down there generally is a somewhat common script. It seems to go something like this: Troy grew up on or has a family that owned/operated a resort and has always had a dream of owning their own resort. Nancy did not and thinks Troy is crazy. But in the end, Nancy & Troy end up owning a resort and live happily ever after… mostly.
This year’s winners followed this script, kinda. Troy Loren’s grandparents had owned a resort and sold it while they were young. The seed was planted early and grew as they later bought a lake lot on a lake with a cool resort. They would frequent that nearby resort, purchasing gas, bait, and ice cream. While enjoying their time at the lake, they realized they never wanted to go home (the seed was now really growing). They approached the owners of the resort about buying it and were told yes, but it would be about 8 years before they would be ready to sell. But… The call came earlier than that! Another party had made an offer to buy the resort, but the owners held to their word and contacted our recipients to see if they wanted to buy the resort, and if so, it was theirs. After an immediate “YES” by Nancy, they gave up their jobs as maintenance/groundskeeper and hair stylist, left their lives in Becker, and the rest is history. They never looked back and never regretted their decision. The seed that had been planted years ago had now grown into a reality.
The original resort consisted of 7 cabins, 11 campsites, and 15 seasonals. But in typical CMR owner fashion, they have expanded to 10 cabins, 20 campsites, 25 seasonals, 4 suites and a bar/restaurant.
They both attended a CMR conference prior to purchasing the resort and have been members ever since. They have been board members and involved in membership and legislative committees. Nancy continues to spearhead our silent auction and conference fundraisers leading the popular 50/50 game affectionately called “Head or Butt.” They both enthusiastically continue to support the CMR and credit the organization with helping to guide them for the past 20 years. They were especially grateful for the CMR support during the time they were trying to re-open a nearby resort. CMR members testified at the county hearings on their behalf, as they were running into unsupported opposition from lake owners. After 5 years, they ultimately sold the property but remain grateful for the unwavering support of their friends in the CMR.
But as we all know, running a resort full-time isn’t enough. They are actively involved with their local chamber, lake association, coaching kids sports activities, and still somehow have time to teach Sunday school and confirmation classes.
Their 2 children grew up on the resort. Their daughter and son-in-law are there full time running the bar and restaurant, handling their social media, and their son comes home to help with opening and closing the resort. When it is time to retire (after the resort's 100th anniversary in 2029), they have a plan in place to step aside and let their next generation take over.
So now I ask you all to NOT place your hands on your head or butt, but rather put them together, as it is our great honor to present the 2024 CMR Resorters of the Year to Troy and Nancy Loren of Little Boy Resort and Campground.
ROY Past Recipients
2024 Nancy & Troy Loren, Little Boy Resort, Longville, MN
2023 Jen Bloomquist, Cedar Rapids Lodge, Tenstrike, MN
2022 Tom & Kathy Marnik, Timber Trails Resort, Remer, MN
2021 Mike & Ruth Schweiters, Boyd Lodge, Crosslake, MN
2020 Jim & Kristin Wherley, Sunset Bay Resort, Richville, MN
2019 Clint and Patty Mueller, Balsam Beach Resort, Bemidji, MN
2018 Tim and Karen Senger, Cedar Point Resort, Marcell, MN
2017 Jay and Kim Jamtgaard, Wildwood Resort, Grand Rapids, MN
2016 John and Kim Bowen, Crow Wing Crest Lodge, Akeley, MN
2015 Dave and JoAnn Fallis & Timberly & Jason Christiansen, Finn’n Feather Resort, Lake Andrusia, MN
2014 Mark and Beth Novotny, Hyde-A-Way Bay Resort, Hackensack, MN
2013 Jim & Deb Eickhorst, Kohl’s Resort, Bemidji, MN
2012 Tim & Carolyn Aarsvold, Geneva Beach Resort, Alexandria, MN
2011 Ed & Sara Becker, In-We-Go Resort, Nevis, MN
2010 Bob & Lynn Scharenbroich, Black Pine Beach Resort, Pequot Lakes, MN
2009 Bob & Jennifer Bateman, Two Inlets Resort, Park Rapids, MN
2008 Jack & Sherry Frost, Joe’s Lodge, Bemidji, MN
2007 Steve & Pat Addler, Cedar Rapids Lodge, Tenstrike, MN
2006 Dana & Cindy Pitt, Bailey’s Resort, Walker, MN
2005 Steve & Bunny Fox, Sugar Point Resort,
2004 David & Lisa Moe, Clamshell Beach Resort, Pequot Lakes, MN
2003 Dave & Bev Thompson, Fisherman’s Village Resort, Battle Lake, MN
2002 Dave & Mary Jane Keller, Brookside Resort, Park Rapids, MN
2001 Ed & Joanne Fussy, Pimushe Resort, Bemidji, MN
Innovative Awards Past Recipients
2024 Innovative Guest Experience - Casey & Kylie Jones, Arcadia Lodge, Big Fork, MN
2024 Innovative Operations - Thomas Bales, Swan Lake Resort & Campground, Fergus Falls, MN