Guest Website

We manage the web property that receives 30,000+ views each year. This year, we added an interactive directory map to assist potential resort & campground guests in finding their perfect Minnesota get-away.

Marketing Resources

Active Digital Marketing

We are building out a robust analytics infrastructure to create, track, and optimize digital ad campaigns to route traffic to our guest website. From SEO to PPC, we are leveraging time, talent, and funds efficiently.

Magazine & E-Newsletters

We publish the Minnesota Resorter magazine twice a year. It is mailed to every resort & campground owner, legislators, and our retired and associate members in Minnesota. It has helpful tips & tricks, a letter from our president, and lots of great photos.

We also publish occasional newsletters via email to our members letting them know what’s happening within the organization and across the industry.

Social Media Promotion

We manage Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages with thousands of followers. Our intention is to grow this audience and guide these potential guests towards CMR member resorts.

Marketing Education Classes

Marketing is essential for every resort & campground and the landscape is constantly evolving. We talk tools, strategies, and channels at the spring workshop, fall conference, and zoom crackerbarrels.

Blogs to Use

Fellow resorters have written numerous blog posts covering a range of topics. CMR members are welcome to share them with their guests and on social media.

Other Historical Marketing Efforts

We’ve done it all. From flash ads to billboards to radio and TV, we’ve told millions of Midwest folk about the wonders of a Minnesota resort vacation.

How to Update Your Resort Listing

Keeping your minnesota-resorts listing up to date is critical. It only takes a few minutes to set up well with descriptions and photos.